Data Center Solutions

Tektronix Technology Present data center perimeter security solutions

“Protecting Your Data Center: The Importance of Perimeter Security Solutions”

Data centers are the backbone of modern businesses, storing amounts of sensitive information and critical infrastructure. As such, they are prime targets for cyber-attacks, theft, and natural disasters. To protect your data center, it is essential to implement robust perimeter security solutions.

Data Center Perimeter security solutions can range from physical barriers, such as fencing and gates, to electronic solutions, such as access control systems and surveillance cameras. When choosing a perimeter security solution, it is important to consider factors such as the size of the facility, the level of security required, and the level of integration with other security systems.

Tektronix Technologies is a company that offers a range of security solutions for data center perimeter security. Some of the solutions they offer include:

Firewall: To control incoming and outgoing network traffic, Tektronix offers firewalls that help prevent unauthorized access and cyber-attacks.

VPN Gateway: To secure remote access to the data center, Tektronix offers VPN gateways that use encryption to protect network traffic.

Network Access Control (NAC): Tektronix provides NAC solutions to control access to the network based on user credentials and security policies.

These are some of the perimeter security solutions offered by Tektronix Technologies for data centers. These solutions aim to provide an effective and comprehensive security framework to protect against external threats.

Data center security solutions can range from physical security measures, such as access control systems and surveillance cameras, to electronic solutions, such as fire suppression systems and intrusion detection systems. When choosing a security solution, it is important to consider factors such as the size of the facility, the level of security required, and the level of integration with other security systems

In Dubai and Abu Dhabi, there are several companies that specialize in the supply and installation of data center security solutions. These companies offer a range of products that cater to different needs and budgets, including access control systems, surveillance cameras, fire suppression systems, and intrusion detection systems.

data center solutions uae

Tektronix Technologies Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Software UAE

Tektronix Technologies’ DCIM software in the UAE provides features such as:

Asset Management: To track and manage IT assets, such as servers, switches, and storage devices.

Power and Cooling Management: To monitor and manage data center power and cooling systems to ensure efficient operations and prevent downtime.
Capacity Planning: To track and manage data center capacity utilization and plan for future growth.

Monitoring and Alerting: To provide real-time monitoring of data center components and alert administrators of any issues or problems.

These are some of the key features of Tektronix Technologies’ DCIM software in the UAE. This software helps organizations to improve data center efficiency, reduce downtime, and make informed decisions about their data center infrastructure.


data center rack management Solutions With Visitor Access control Systems

Data center rack management solutions include:
Rack management hardware such as PDUs, cable management, KVM switches and monitors. Software solutions like DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management) tools, that provide monitoring and management of physical and virtual assets, power, cooling and space utilization. Asset management systems for tracking and managing IT equipment. Environmental monitoring systems for temperature, humidity, and air flow. Physical security solutions like access control systems and security cameras. Power management solutions for monitoring and controlling power usage and distribution.

Data center Visitor Access Control System with Facial Reorganization Device
A data center visitor access control system with a facial recognition device typically includes: Facial recognition cameras that capture the visitor’s image and perform real-time identity verification. A control panel or management software to grant or deny access based on the recognition results. Integration with existing security systems such as access control systems, security cameras, and alarms. Access logs and reporting features for tracking and auditing visitor activity. Customizable security levels and user roles for controlling access to specific areas within the data center. Option for manual verification by security personnel in case of recognition failure.

7-Inch Facial Recognition Device
Tektronix Facial recognition device
Tektronix technologies FR Panel