Computer Repair And Annual Maintenance Contract
Our Annual Maintenance Services provide our clients with comprehensive support plans to address requirements of managing our client’s IT infrastructure – covering both the Edge-IT Infrastructure as well as Core-IT Infrastructure. Moreover, our services are fully customization
and we can create a support plan just as required by our clients.
- 12 months on site
- Including Labour + Spares
- Replacement of Spares, if available
- Routine preventive Maintenance
- Priority in Support
- Ideal for Serious user who think Time is Money
- 12 months on site
- Including Labour
- Routine preventive Maintenance
- Priority in Support
- Ideal for Big Installation Base
- Charges per Problem
- No Replacement of Spares
- Low-Priority Compared to AMC
- Ideal for Budgeted User
- User friendly package
- Discounted rates for Call
- Fixed rate for any type of Call
- Use within 24 months
- Ideal for SOHO (Small Office & Home User)