TEK Traffic: Traffic Counting Road Surveys – Ai Based Vehicle Classification and Traffic Counting

TEK Traffic data survey company. It is one of the most technologically advanced companies offering traffic data counting services. Tektraffic delivers quick and accurate data, which earlier used to take months to collect. traffic data collection

  • Registration plate Surveys

  • Public Transport Surveys

  • Trip Generation Surveys

  • GPS Journey Time Surveys

  • Origin Destination Surveys

  • Link Count Surveys

  • Smart Parking Surveys

  • Turning Movement Count

  • Bus Occupancy Surveys

  • Intersection Count Surveys

  • Vehicle Occupancy Surveys

  • Pedestrian Count Surveys

  • Cycle Movement Surveys

  • Vehicle speed surveys


Our TEK Traffic AI Technology helps us deliver timely, very accurate and user-friendly traffic data counts. Using edge computing cameras, we can classify the following.

  1. Bike
  2. Delivery bike.
  3. Car
  4. Taxi
  5. Van
  6. LGV (Large Goods Vehicle)
  7. Labour Bus
  1. RTA BUS
  2. School Bus

10.2 Axles Vehicle

  1. 3 Axles Vehicle
  2. 4 Axles Vehicle
  3. Multi Trailer
Traffic Data Collection
Traffic Data Collection